Thursday, November 5, 2009


There are many excitements going on. I'm still basking in the glow of our trip to Australia, because Sydney rocked. Did I talk about that? Not really? I'll post some photos.

There are upcoming excitements now, too. Yesterday began several days of houseguests - my friend from home and her husband, and a Wellesley friend and her boyfriend. One couple is staying for two days, then the other stays for two days, then they all stay Sunday night. It's going to be a slumber party! Or just weird and uncomfortable for them.

Mike is going to Copenhagen for the month of December! He'll finish up and meet me in New York right before Christmas. He'll be taking care of Greenpeace's web communications for the UN Climate Change Conference. Bad ASS.

Next week we head to Houston for four days for Mike's brother's wedding. I enjoy spending time with Mike's family, but even more than that, I enjoy open bars.

After Houston, I'm home for a day, then I go to New York for the National Book Awards. This is like the Oscars for books, and I am very excited. It is black tie! And (as recorded in a previous post) I am nostalgic for fall, and four days in New York in mid-November should cure that right up.

Then it is Thanksgiving, which means a weekend of camping. And/or mooching off the hospitality of Katie and Larry and their baby. Either way, it is going to mean spending much time outside.

I head home for Christmas on December 16! I'm pumped to spend time in New York, and at my parent's new house. All the wiring isn't done yet, but they've already planned out the toboggan route. So that is going to be sweet.

Also, our microwave acts like it's arcing about one in three times we use it. Each time, I'm sure it's going to explode or irradiate me. But then I forget, until the next time it does it. I think that the potentially for bodily harm qualifies this as exciting.

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